Supporting global entrepreneurs in the developing world with Lendwithcare loans

Of the 700 million small business owners worldwide, less than 2% have access to financial services. Entrepreneurs in the developing world don't need handouts. They need access to safe and reliable finance to grow their businesses. That’s why we support the innovative lending initiative, Lendwithcare, which lifts people out of poverty through microfinance. Lendwithcare enables independent businesses around the world to access affordable loans where traditional business banking isn't available. Microfinance can play an essential role, helping people build their own businesses and take control of their lives.

What is microfinance?

Microfinance means financial services for poor and low-income people who lack access to formal financial intermediaries.

Access to these services means these entrepreneurs can build their businesses, support their families, provide an education for their children and enable sustainable communities.

Microfinance isn’t a charity. It’s an opportunity to support real businesses with small, affordable and interest-free loans, while simultaneously helping those who otherwise have no way of creating those businesses. Once an entrepreneur repays the loan, Lendwithcare reinvests in another entrepreneur - so money is continually recycled to help others.

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Lendwithcare partnership

We're making a tangible difference to global entrepreneurs by supporting revolutionary microfinancing initiative Lendwithcare.

Lendwithcare is simple: by making small loans to entrepreneurs in developing countries, we help them to run successful businesses, provide healthcare and education for their families, and create job and skills opportunities in their communities.

You choose which entrepreneurs to lend to and, once they repay the loan, you can invest in someone else or withdraw the money. You can loan as little as £15, meaning you can make a difference without breaking the bank.

Where are they now?

Updates from entrepreneurs who have received loans Lendwithcare

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