Wednesday, February 26, 2025
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (GMT)
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The Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act 2024 (DMCC) is reshaping the landscape of digital markets in the UK, with major updates in consumer protection and competition law. Join our webinar to understand the changes, and the implications for businesses and consumers alike.

Whether you're developing pricing strategies, strengthening the control environment, or mitigating the risk of a potential investigation, we'll help you navigate the new regulatory environment effectively.

On the agenda:

  • What's no longer allowed and potential penalties
  • Implications for marketing around pricing and advertising
  • Implications for internal risk and compliance
  • What happens if things go wrong?
  • Case study: the DMCC in practice


Tom Smith
Partner, Competition Law, Consumer Law and Digital Regulation, Geradin Partners

I advise businesses on UK and EU competition law, digital regulation and consumer protection law. I am intimately involved in the UK's new digital markets regime, having been the only private practice lawyer to give evidence to the House of Commons Public Bill Committee on the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act. I act on high profile competition law, merger control and consumer law investigations.

Head of Economic Consulting, Grant Thornton UK LLP

I am a partner leading our economic consulting team. A postgraduate economist by training, I have over 20 years of experience providing regulatory and competition economic advice, including expert testimony.