Develop commercial strategies for partnering with private sector-chargepoint operators

The UK government estimates 300,000 electric vehicle chargepoints will be needed by 2030 – a 10-fold increase on current levels. Local and combined authorities will need the right commercial structures in place to maximise the value of existing assets while unlocking private sector capital to deliver this roll-out.

Why Grant Thornton

You'll work with a team with a proven track record in supporting organisations to understand, enable, roll out, and finance electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Our team combines national policy leaders, commercial specialists, and financing experts who can help you work through opportunities and challenges. We can deliver financial models, support strategy development, and leverage government funding opportunities.


Automotive review Q1 2023

With further significant change expected, what's the outlook for UK automotive in 2023? In this review you can read insight on the long-term consequences of these challenges, and other updates on the future of the sector.

Case study

Funding a future in sustainable mobility

Mobility businesses need to explore all options for funding sustainable models.

Case study

Supporting TfGM on EV charging infrastructure strategy

How we helped Transport for Greater Manchester deliver on their electric vehicle charging infrastructure strategy.