The Not-for-Profit (NFP) sector is a key player in the race to net zero. Yet there remains a lack of clarity on how NFP organisations report on their emissions and progress against climate targets. 

The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) and emerging new standards for education and housing, demonstrate how important climate reporting is, in all types of organisations.

In some cases, NFP organisations are not obliged to report on climate matters, but we are seeing increasing voluntary disclosures, particularly in the education sector. 2050 is approaching ever closer and clear environmental reporting will help to focus on climate targets.

As well as explaining the multitude of acronyms in this field, this handy guide summarises major environmental reporting guidance, allowing NFP organisations to better understand the requirements.

To discuss any of the topics mentioned in the guide and how we can support your organisation, reach out to Harriet Raine, Not-for-Profit Technical Manager.