
Futureproof your business with the right workforce skills

team meeting
As the UK skills gap continues to grow, how can businesses put plans in place now to meet their future skills needs?

On Tuesday 9 April, Justin Rix, Partner in People Advisory, was joined by Jenn Barnett, Head of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, and Katie Nightingale, Director in People Advisory for a roundtable conversation on how organisations are finding the skills needed today and in the future.

Justin discussed how organisations can execute their skills strategies - through reskilling employees to fill the gaps, building skills from scratch and utilising early careers programmes and apprenticeships.

Katie explained how strategic workforce-planning can enable businesses to prioritise the most relevant skills.

And Jenn talked about how skills-planning ties into the wider inclusion and diversity agenda, including overcoming barriers to entry and progression, and the commercial advantages of prioritising long term diverse talent planning  – illustrated by practical examples of how we do it at Grant Thornton UK. 


Watch the webinar recording to access all their insight.

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