How have trends in the deals environment evolved so far in 2024? Explore our analysis for insights on the key deals and the latest updates in your sector.

After 2023's tough economic environment impacted deal volume and value, activity has remained flat overall however we have seen green shoots with an increase in deal volumes across sectors such as travel, healthcare, and technology, media and telecommunications (TMT). The skills and training sector has seen a drop in the latest quarterly annual deal volumes, but M&A activity remains healthy. We expect to see an improving M&A trajectory across sectors despite remaining uncertainty.

Stay informed with our spring 2024 reviews:

  • TMT
  • Travel
  • Healthcare
  • Skills and training

You'll find expert analysis of the market and valuable insight on deal activity across each sector.

Winter 2023 M&A sector round up

Technology insights: Winter 2023

What did the TMT deals landscape look like in 2023? Find out the key trends and deals in our winter 2023 M&A review.

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Travel sector M&A review: Winter 2023

What did the Travel deals landscape look like in 2023? Find out the key trends and deals in our winter 2023 M&A review.

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Retail sector M&A review: Winter 2023

What did the Retail deals landscape look like in 2023? Find out the key trends and deals in our winter 2023 M&A review.

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Food and beverage M&A review: Winter 2023

Food and beverage deal activity rebounded in 2023. Stay informed on the M&A landscape in our winter review.

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Facilities management M&A review: Winter 2023

Facilities management continued to buck M&A trends in 2023. Find out more about the key deals in our winter review.

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Packaging M&A review: Winter 2023

In a challenging M&A environment the packaging sector has remained robust. Find out about the key trends and deals.

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Education technology M&A trends and outlook

The EdTech market continues to outperform other software sectors. Find out more about the key trends in our M&A review.

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