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Bridging the digital skills gap

Bridging the digital skills gap is not just about technical capabilities. We've teamed up with BPP for a fireside chat that explains why success also depends on 'soft' skills: from analytical thinking and innovation, to active learning. Watch it on demand.

A recent report from Microsoft revealed that the UK is facing a substantial digital skills gap that may leave organisations struggling to keep up with competitors around the world. And it looks like the current circumstances are accelerating the problem. So, how can organisations resolve it?

In this fireside chat, our host, Carolyn Sansom, sought the advice of two expert speakers:

  • Justin Rix, Partner, Head of People Advisory, Grant Thornton
  • David Palmer, Marketing Intelligence Partner, BPP

Justin and David took us through the key questions you need to ask before developing plans for digital upskilling.

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What exactly is the 'digital skills gap?'

Lots of people talk about the 'digital skills gap', but that doesn't mean that everyone knows what it actually means! Justin and David start the session with a clear definition of it, and explain why it's a problem for so many organisations.

...And what is digital upskilling?

Well, it's not about hiring lots of data scientists. Effective digital upskilling covers everything related to understanding and managing technology and data, including the skill of learning new skills. Importantly, it's vital to ensure that leaders have the competencies to understand their organisation's digital journey and the communications around it.

Is it just about productivity?

The efficiencies enabled by digital skills remove some of the repetitive tasks from your people's workloads, so that they can concentrate on more stimulating projects that directly add value. As Justin Rix explains, as well as improving their productivity, it's also good for their wellbeing at work.

You can benefit from all of Justin and David's insight on digital upskilling by watching the recording of this chat any time.

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For more information about bridging the digital skills gap, digital upskilling, and wellbeing at work, contact Justin Rix.

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