Stay informed on recent tax developments in financial services

2023 is shaping up to be another busy year of change in the tax world in the financial services sector, with continued high levels of scrutiny from regulators and some challenging market conditions.

To help you navigate potential pitfalls and opportunities, we've hosted several financial services tax virtual events, which will provide an opportunity to connect with your industry peers and discuss questions of interest in a confidential environment.

Operational taxes update

As we approach the end of H1 2023 it’s a good time to consider how new compliance changes have impacted your business, in particular:

  • Changes to German withholding tax reclaim procedures and the proposed EU FASTER reclaim system
  • The new QI agreement and changes with respect to 1446(f)
  • The new Crypto Asset Reporting Framework and upcoming changes for Common Reporting Standard
  • New EU information reporting directives including CESOP and DAC8

We explain the key changes and consider how best to approach the new challenges to meet compliance obligations and manage operational risk effectively.


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Banking tax update

Our first banking tax webinar for 2023 will focus on a range of topical tax issues and opportunities currently impacting banks, such as:

  • Interest deductibility for foreign banks operating through UK branch structures – is it time to revisit your CATA calculation?
  • Research and development tax regime challenges – challenges and opportunities
  • An update on operational tax developments


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Insurance tax update

Our first insurance webinar for 2023 will discuss several tax issues and opportunities that currently challenge the insurance industry, including:

  • An update on VAT/IPT developments
  • Research and development tax regime – challenges and opportunities
  • An update on EU claims for insurance businesses
  • An update on OECD’s Pillar 2 for insurance businesses.


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Helping you navigate the global financial services and funds tax landscape
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