

Contact us

What we do

Our Cardiff team works throughout the south west to expand our network of connections, putting you in the room with the right people, no matter which side of the river Severn you’re on.

If your business is growing, expanding, struggling or exposed...

If it excites you to look beyond the financials, invest in making connections and seek tailor-made solutions to support your organisation...

If you’re interested in a flexible approach, exploring alternative answers and imaginative concepts to expand your opportunities...

...we want to show you a different way of thinking.

Contact us


6th Floor

3 Callaghan Square


CF10 5BT

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South Wales Limited 2024 - who made the list?

Get your unique insight into the performance of the regional business community.

We've highlighted the county’s leading companies and provided analysis on county trends in our inaugural South Wales Limited Report.

Did you or your peers make the list? [ 4962 kb ]