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I specialise in asset tracing and recovering funds for clients who have suffered a financial loss as a result of fraud. I have 15 years’ experience of using insolvency proceedings, court-appointed receiverships, other civil procedures and litigation funding to conduct investigations, formulate legal claims and enforce judgments.

I have a particular interest in cryptoasset fraud and can assist victims and representatives in investigations and asset recovery strategies. I have the support of our corporate intelligence, forensic, digital and international colleagues to work seamlessly to achieve the best results for our clients, and can operate under a number of fee structures, often working on a contingent basis or with the benefit of third-party funding.

I have experience working in the public and private sectors, having taken instruction from government departments and local authorities in the UK, non-UK governments, and international companies.

My experience includes:

  • leading the strategy for a high profile and complex case, which involved coordinating the legal teams and the legal strategy, and negotiating several very complex funding structures with lawyers, funders and insurers
  • an investigation into a £176 million fraud on HM Revenue & Customs involving thirty companies in the UK and others in the Middle East and Asia
  • an investigation into corruption and misappropriation of assets for an overseas government, including the determination of the loss incurred, which resulted in the submissions of civil recovery and criminal complaints in overseas jurisdictions valued at USD $140 million.

I am the co-chair of INSOL Europe’s Anti-Fraud Forum, with over 70 lawyers, accountants and insolvency practitioners specialising in fraud, asset tracing and recovery. I have written articles on topics including fraud investigation and asset recovery, criminal and civil routes to recovery, crypto fraud and litigation funding, and I regularly present at conferences such as INSOL Europe, IWIRC, FinCrime World Forum, R3 and the Fraud Advisory Panel.

  • FCCA
  • Member, INSOL Europe
  • BA (Hons)
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