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I have more than 15 years' experience providing accounting services to a wide range of clients across the market. I support businesses with their UK accounting requirements, particularly in preparing statutory financial statements for both audited and unaudited businesses and assisting with ad hoc accounting queries.  
My passion is helping businesses navigate and keep up to date with their UK accounting requirements in an ever-changing environment. I combine my technical experience with a practical approach tailored to each individual client to support them through their accounting and reporting needs. This includes changes to UK GAAP accounting standards, transitioning between different accounting standards, and helping inbound, international groups understand and meet their UK audit and accounting obligations. I also ensure they're connected with other teams across the firm when required. As auditor independence rules don't apply to these services we're free to proactively advise clients and act as a sounding board for their challenges. 
Outside of work, I'm embracing life as a new dad and enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I'm also a keen Formula 1 fan and enjoy being in the outdoors, whether that’s hiking or challenging myself with the occasional triathlon.

David Smith
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David Smith
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