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Jonathan Charles
Bristol, London

Jonathan Charles

I'm a director in our financial services group regulatory risk management practice, with significant experience in helping clients deal with the challenges of current regulations or emerging requirements. I'm also the engagement director in our investment management sector Skilled Person work, and support firms responding to regulatory interventions.

My specific focus is the investment management sector, where I advise across a wide range of wholesale conduct matters to both buy-side and sell-side firms, and retail firms including wealth management, advice, and platform firms. I also have significant experience advising banking clients and non-bank lenders. I've been very active over many years in investment firm prudential requirements, effective risk management frameworks, and improving culture and governance across the financial services sector.

I’m a chartered accountant by background and have previously worked in operational roles at banks, and in government policy teams.

Away from work, I'm the chair of governors at my two sons’ primary school and enjoy coaching their football teams. I’m a big sports enthusiast and we go to most Wales football games as a family. I’m a big fan of being outside!

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  • Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Jonathan Charles
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Jonathan Charles
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