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Maureen Paul
Director, Energy Economics

Maureen Paul

I'm a director in our economic consulting team, leading the energy economic practice. We provide clients, including regulators, the Government, and corporates, with economic and strategy advice; helping them to make evidence-based decisions that are aligned with regulatory requirements.

I'm an experienced senior analytical and energy policy leader with public and private sector experience. A former senior civil servant and alumnus of the civil service’s Future Leaders Scheme, I have held a variety of senior roles at Ofgem, including Chief Economist. At Ofgem, I was accountable for setting their analytical strategy and ensuring that analysis supporting important decisions was robust and could stand up to scrutiny, such as RIIO price control decisions. This included making sure that the organisation understood the decarbonisation and distributional impact of decisions, individually and collectively over time. I also served as Deputy Director of Retail Market Policy, where my responsibilities included measures to stabilise the market and protect vulnerable consumers.

My regulatory experience means I have a deep understanding of expectations and requirements, which I use to bring unique insight to how clients can be strategic and effective in meeting the growing and complex challenges that face the energy sector. I provide advice to clients on economic regulation, vulnerable energy consumers strategy, wholesale and retail market strategy and analysis, community energy investment, corporate purchasing power agreements, and distributional and decarbonisation impacts of decisions. I recently completed a report, commissioned by the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) that sheds light on the economic benefits of greater coordination of UK’s offshore renewables and the added benefits of international North Sea cooperation.

I enjoy gardening and interior design; hobbies I consider to be essential to bolstering my resilience and bringing nature, history, and beauty into my personal spaces.

  • PhD Economics, Warwick University
  • MSc Economics, Warwick University
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Maureen Paul
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Director, Energy Economics
Maureen Paul
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