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I'm a director in our forensic and investigation services team, specialising in international investigations. I have experience investigating fraud, financial misstatement, bribery and corruption, and other forms of misconduct.

I also conduct proactive reviews of fraud risk-management and whistleblowing frameworks. I love helping clients with complex and urgent problems, and understanding the drivers of the human behaviours under investigation. I have extensive experience of whistleblower-led investigations, and I have seen first-hand the positive impact that building an effective speak-up culture can have on organisations.

A sample of my recent experience includes:

  • completing a two-year secondment, managing the whistleblowing framework of a large infrastructure project in the Middle East
  • investigating a systemic fraud perpetrated against a government-run pensions system, involving the misappropriation of millions of Euro
  • investigating a multifaceted accounting issue in Thailand
  • investigating allegations of fraud and financial manipulation for a large UK listed automotive company.

Outside of work I can often be found running or volunteering at my local parkrun, and I'm captain of the firm’s Great City Race 5k team.

  • BSc (Hons) Economics
  • FCA (Fellow of the ICAEW)
  • CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner)
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Will Morris
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