A clear understanding of your environmental impact is crucial when developing a forward-looking Net Zero plan as it identifies the largest emissions sources and looks to reduce them.

With high energy costs and pressure to reduce emissions, energy reduction strategies must be targeted, achievable and cost-effective.

You need to monitor energy usage and identify inefficiencies within processes and at a granular asset level. To identify environmental risks, and prioritise resources and costs. And to meet regulatory requirements, while increasing stakeholder engagement and visibility of your Net Zero strategy.

With us, you’ll find the expert guidance you need.

Oliver Bridge
Head of Operations Consulting
Oliver Bridge

Why Grant Thornton?

Our highly experienced UK business consulting team operates globally, with over 70 professionals drawn from both finance and accounting and industry. We work collaboratively to:

  • assess and generate a focused energy and emissions strategy for your business
  • advise on how you can link energy and emissions to your P&L, using our deep environmental, financial, and industry expertise
  • provide you with a detailed understanding on how you can actively contribute to a better world.

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GHG baseline and delivering a Net Zero transition plan

The challenge
To assess a client’s operations and supply chain to help them develop a greenhouse gas (GHG) baseline, reducing carbon emissions, and environmental impact to meet Net Zero aims.
The solution
We provided a dynamic environmental model of their internal operations and supply chain, KPIs aligned to decision criteria and reporting requirements, and a Net Zero strategy.
The results
As well as highlighting environmental risks and opportunities, our work ultimately allowed the board to make informed, data-driven decisions to support their Net Zero ambitions.

    Energy strategy that drives efficiency

    Our experts look at ways to help you build a more resilient energy strategy, maintain access to funding and subsidies, and meet your reporting and compliance commitments.