Providing you with quality evidence-gathering and handling, quantum, enforcement and asset recovery. We find diverse solutions to large and complex, multi-sector international arbitration matters.

Collaborating with you and your legal advisors, we can support in matters ranging from quantifying losses from breaches of contract to asset expropriation, providing a trusted team with experience in advisory and testifying capacities.

You’ll have access to one of the largest forensic teams in the UK that has given evidence before courts and arbitral tribunals on over 650 occasions, and a global network of 400+ disputes specialists, including 70+ testifying experts spanning 29 countries.

  • Proven experience
  • International reach
  • Wider industry expertise
  • Proven experience
    Icon depicting a green dollar cycle symbol
    Our team has given evidence in court or before arbitral tribunals on 650 occasions with claims totalling over $100 billion.
  • International reach
    Green icon depicting globe map
    Part of a global forensic community of 400+ disputes specialists, including 70+ testifying expert witnesses spanning 29 countries.
  • Wider industry expertise
    Wider industry expertise
    We draw on the sector expertise of the wider UK firm which comprises over 5000 people to meet your needs.
Chris Tune
Director, Head of Arbitration
Chris Tune

Why Grant Thornton

We have the global reach and technical expertise to support you in relevant jurisdictions and sectors. Our recent cases span the construction, energy, natural resources, financial services and telecoms sectors, working on claims from asset tracing, civil fraud to misrepresentation.

Our team brings their insights and experience of being expert witnesses on more than 650 occasions, utilising their testifying capacity for claimants, respondents and tribunals.

We can support you at each stage of your dispute:

Evidence gathering and handling

  • data capture from hardware
  • investigations and corporate intelligence
  • eDiscovery and data hosting

Expertise on quantum

  • early-stage advice
  • consulting expert
  • expert witness reports and oral testimony
  • complex valuations

Enforcement and recovery

  • asset research
  • asset tracing and recovery