Building the case for change – and gaining government investment approval – requires public bodies to produce robust project business cases using the Treasury’s Green Book five case model.

You need to set out the strategic, economic, commercial, financial and management cases to provide clarity for decision making and a clear audit trail for public accountability. This can be challenging for a public sector organisation under pressure. Developing business cases requires focus, capacity and expertise. One that lacks rigour and detail is unlikely to deliver best public value. We can help you to mitigate this risk and increase the likelihood of investment approval.

Public sector business cases

Public sector investment strategy and transactions

Helping public bodies to fund and finance the projects that will deliver their wider strategic objectives.

Why Grant Thornton

We are friendly, knowledgeable and agile – working with you, not just for you. Our natural style is to collaborate closely with your teams, external advisers and stakeholders on a ‘no surprise’ basis.

Our practitioners are professionally trained and accredited through the Treasury’s Better Business Cases programme, with deep practical experience. We are passionate about delivering good public services, and take the time to understand your needs so that we can shape our services to support you.