Public bodies need strong financial management in how they fund and finance the projects that will deliver their objectives. Investment plans need to withstand scrutiny and deliver value for money.

A robust investment strategy shows how and what you want to invest in – through to completing transactions and enabling change. You need to cover governance, officer roles and responsibilities, financial outputs, such as target rates of returns, but also how projects are prioritised to determine where capital is deployed. Transactions are also getting more complex for the public sector, and may need help to get them over the line. Our work helps reduce delays, mitigate risks and deliver change.

Why Grant Thornton

Our team is highly experienced in public sector transactions and passionate about delivering good public services. We collaborate closely with your teams, external advisers and stakeholders on a ‘no surprise’ basis. Each client and transaction is unique – so we bring ideas to the mix and design bespoke solutions to suit your requirements and issues. Taking the time to listen and understand means we can shape our services around funding and financing to support you just how you need it.