Financial models and data analytics underpin key decisions on projects and policies. They need to be transparent, robust and insightful – from set up to final analysis.

Determining the financial case for a project, generating your budgets and calculating contractual payments are just a few examples where financial modelling and data analytics tools can cut through and provide clarity.

You need these tools to structure and analyse financial and non-financial data in clear, understandable ways. We apply best practice principles to ensure your financial models and dashboards do exactly that – with the added support of a team who knows the public sector inside out.

Get in touch
Stuart Smith
Head of Financial Modelling, Public Services Advisory
Stuart Smith
Head of Financial Modelling, Public Services Advisory
Stuart Smith

Why Grant Thornton

We’re here to help you make sense of your data, and support you in a friendly, knowledgeable and agile way. You’ll be working closely with a team of financial modelling specialists who bring a breadth of public sector experience and understanding. We follow best practice modelling guidance, such as the FAST standard (flexible, appropriate, structured, transparent) in our design and build process. And we’re passionate about helping you use modelling and analytics to make better decisions.