Access to fraud, bribery, and corruption subject-matter experts experienced in working in

Fraud, bribery, and corruption presents a real and imminent threat to you. Irrespective of the size and complexity of your organisation, optimising your existing capabilities to manage and monitor fraud, bribery, and corruption is essential.

Effective fraud risk governance starts with taking a proactive top-down approach: ‘tone at the top’. As a first step, it helps to know where you're vulnerable so you can respond appropriately to the risk and clearly communicate your fraud strategy.

Why Grant Thornton

In the ever-changing fraud-risk landscape you need specialist expertise that goes beyond compliance to prevent fraud loss and reputational damage. We have a successful track record of fraud prevention, detection and investigation and are ready to assist you in pursuing and enhancing your fraud management environment. You get a unique lessons-learned perspective from subject-matter experts that will help you maximise best fraud management practice – strengthening your resilience and capability to tackle fraud, bribery, and corruption.