In volatile markets, management and investors are facing more scrutiny over investment decisions.

We help clients assess the value of a target, whether an offer is reasonable, or if investment or divestment plans will add value.

Our team will work closely with you to understand your valuation question and make sure our scope and output are fit for purpose.

We will provide you with regular updates and insights, providing independent challenges where appropriate.

By the end of the process, you will understand how and why we have reached the conclusions we have.

Why Grant Thornton?

We are one of only a few integrated valuation and modelling teams in professional services. Good modelling is an integral part of the decision-support analysis, allowing a proper understanding of the value drivers and impacts of different scenarios and assumptions.

We work closely with our leading mid-market corporate finance practice, making our valuation advice commercial and reflective of current market trends.

Our international network of valuation specialists allows us to serve you wherever you are.

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Supporting the buy-out of a significant minority...

The challenge
The largest shareholder of a private business needed an independent view on value, so he could test the appetite of minority shareholders to be bought out.
The solution
We guided management through producing forecasts, performed the valuation analysis – showing its sensitivity to key value drivers – and built a long-term financial model.
The result
The business was able to agree on terms with minority shareholders and concentrate its shareholder base to ease the process of future strategic decision-making.
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Valuing a company before an expected take-over offer

The challenge
The board of a UK-listed company was expecting to receive a takeover offer. Due to limited share trading, assessing the offer required an independent valuation.
The solution
We built a forecast model for management to populate with various scenarios. Cross-checking a DCF approach against market transaction multiples enabled us to conclude on value for a controlling stake.
The result
The subsequent offer fell within our range, giving the board confidence in accepting it. The board were also left with a user-friendly model for future planning and forecasting.