We bring experience of supporting boards and management teams in designing frameworks, team processes and leadership dynamics to support delivery of sustainable value to stakeholders.

In the current climate, an effective governance environment is essential to hold trust and build confidence among stakeholders.

You will be supported in shaping governance systems, process and culture to create:

  • trust and integrity with your stakeholders
  • dynamic decision-making structures which improve agility and support the delivery of strategic objectives
  • environments in which your people and operations can thrive.

Governance advisory

Governance restructuring

Expert guidance that helps you build quality governance structures and improve your resilience.

Board evaluation and effectiveness

Insight and technical expertise that helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your board.

Benchmarking and best practice

Do you need guidance on reviewing and improving your corporate governance best practice?

Why Grant Thornton

Our governance advisory team brings the board governance and shareholder relations team together with business psychologists, executive coaches and leadership development specialists.

The team can help you shape governance structures and decision-making processes to meet future challenges across three service offerings:

  • Benchmarking and best practice guidance
  • Governance restructuring
  • Board effectiveness

2023 Corporate Governance Review

Uncover our latest analysis of the FTSE 350's annual reports – explaining the key trends in best practice governance.