Your world has changed. Remote working and digital services that were once science fiction are now essential for your business.

How can you stay in-line with an ever-changing regulatory landscape when doing things offline isn't an option?
As threats become more sophisticated, cyber security is included in many regulations. You need the experts in your corner with practical guidance on how good security and data protection can help you stay compliant, and meet new challenges. You need us.

Manu Sharma
Partner, Head of Cyber Security Resilience
Manu Sharma

Why Grant Thornton

Our team can assess your regulatory and risk obligations, and how good cyber security supports them, as well as provide pragmatic steps to ensure you have a comprehensive controls framework, using the latest technology, data-processing needs and customer-centric services. We'll optimise your security standards and even advise you on what to do in the event of a breach.

We'll help you develop a positive, sustainable approach for maintaining a strong security framework.