Grant Thornton advises Preim Holdings Ltd Preim Holdings Ltd sold to Encore Estate Management Ltd

March 2022
Preim Holdings Ltd
Adviser to Preim Holdings Ltd on their sale to Encore Estate Management Ltd
Grant Thornton team
Business support services
Sell side
Corporate finance
Flag of the United Kingdom

We are delighted to have advised Preim Holdings Ltd on their sale to Encore Estate Management Ltd.

Preim are an estate management company with an enviable freehold portfolio. Encore, backed by Queen's Park Equity, specialise in freehold management primarily. The acquisition of Preim allows Encore to rapidly increase its freehold presence.

We worked with the shareholders of Preim for a number of years preparing the business for sale, helping to implement an EMI scheme and improving internal systems. All of which resulted in a higher valuation and better outcome for the shareholders.

We ran a limited process, working closely with the shareholders to maximise their objectives, finding a buyer that satisfied both the qualitative and quantitative qualities they were seeking.

Having selected the preferred party, we managed the diligence and various work streams to completion to a tight timetable.

I am enormously proud of what the team at PREIM has achieved over the past 10 years and I am excited about the next chapter of the company. We fundamentally believe that this provides the basis for our future growth. In Encore we have found a partner with the capability, professionalism and expertise to help us grow.
Neil Oakey Founder & Director, Preim Holdings Ltd