A well-defined programme and change management approach is vital for planning and delivering sustainable change, achieving your outcomes, and engaging your team and wider stakeholders on the journey

Effective programme and change management can create the engine room for your ESG strategy and your outcomes from it. You need the right foundations in place, including structure and oversight, intelligent and agile planning, and stress testing. A holistic approach can ensure your organisation is factoring in all the requirements and changes that will be needed across your operating model to successfully deliver ESG initiatives from inception through to completion.

Why Grant Thornton

We bring international, cross-department expertise to every ESG project. Parts of your organisation may be unaccustomed to external reporting routines; business change requires yet another set of skills and new technologies demand detailed planning and oversight. We can combine these skillsets, and help your teams ensure that they have all the bases covered or we can support in managing projects from start to finish.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Your ESG agenda is complex and multi-faceted, how can you apply strong programme and change management capabilities to ensure you are effectively implementing your strategy? 
  • What approach will you take to overseeing and ensuring you are getting value from your external advisors that they are delivering against your requirements?  
  • How well do you deliver change or transformation currently?
  • Are you and your people clear on your ESG vision and strategy, as to how this connects to your plans, and what is required of you in delivering against this? Both at an organisational and individual level
  • How joined up is your leadership team on what it is you need to achieve now and what you will need to do differently in the future? How aligned are you on what the priorities are?

ESG: themes and insights

Our experts provide a summary of key themes facing the market and answer frequently asked questions.


ESG and access to capital: the mid-market needs to stay alert

How is ESG influencing mid-market lending in 2024? Find out with the results of our annual survey of UK-based lenders.