Risk management is integral to ESG delivery; protecting organisations operationally and financially, and supporting and protecting their reputation and the interests of key stakeholders.

Reporting standards can be complicated, especially if you work across different jurisdictions or with numerous partners. Existing and emerging sustainability-related risks must be identified, assessed, managed, and mitigated. We can help you understand and integrate those processes into your existing risk management, so that you’re more than safe – you’re successful.

Why Grant Thornton

Our global teams collaborate to ensure that your risk framework is current, and changes to the business landscape are anticipated. We're an international network, specialising in mitigating risks to your reputation and organisation. ESG is an exciting arena and however you're engaging with this topic, we have experts with knowledge to share.

  • How relevant is your risk framework to effectively capture and manage ESG risks? 
  • How do you identify, assess, and manage your regulatory reporting risks eg TCFD requirements? 
  • How can you be sure partners in your supply chain are not going to undermine your sustainability credentials? 
  • How can you manage regulations in different jurisdictions? 
  • How can you assess the ESG position of an entity you're looking to acquire? 
  • Does the government understand your sectors’ challenges – do you have information that could help them develop better policy?
  • Do you understand future policy direction of travel in your key jurisdictions, for example around tax, spending and incentives?
  • What are the key principles of an ESG risk management framework? 
  • Is your ESG risk management strategy appropriately aligned to your organisation's strategy? 
  • Is your ESG data fit for purpose, how can you get assurance that it is? 
  • What do you need to do to embed ESG data and risk management into the core risk management processes of your organisation? 
  • How can you mitigate the risk of being accused of greenwashing? 
  • How can you assess and manage transition risk in the move to a low carbon economy? 
  • Are you comfortable that your UK and international tax affairs would be seen as compliant, and that key stakeholders would consider that you are paying your 'fair share' of tax globally?
  • What regulation impacts directly on you, and which regulation might your clients want to pass down?

ESG: themes and insights

Our experts provide a summary of key themes facing the market and answer frequently asked questions.


ESG and access to capital: the mid-market needs to stay alert

How is ESG influencing mid-market lending in 2024? Find out with the results of our annual survey of UK-based lenders.