For investors, employees and clients, the climate change credibility of your business is crucial. Our human-centric approach prioritises people, ensuring credible Net-Zero commitments.

Robust and well-executed transition planning helps futureproof your products and services, build a sustainable business model, attract and retain talent, and is a driver of profitability. 

Partner with us for sustainable outcomes that benefit the triple bottom line of planet, people and profit. As a leading Net Zero adviser, we provide you with tailored solutions that maximise value and minimise risk, ensuring a seamless evolution to Net Zero.

Why Grant Thornton

With us, you’ll get an experienced team who are committed to understanding your business and building sustainable business resilience. We adapt as things change to give you the tailored advice you need. 

We work as partners alongside you, providing flexibility, rigour and fresh thinking. You’ll receive the depth of expertise you’d expect from a boutique climate and Net Zero consultancy combined with the service and geographical reach of a much larger advisory partner.

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Holistic transition planning for a global apparel retailer

The challenge
A UK-based retailer needed support with its climate strategy and transition plans, and for its climate targets to be validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
The solution
Our detailed gap analysis set out their current state and their vision for the future. We then worked collaboratively with stakeholders to produce a comprehensive transition plan.
The results
Investor confidence improved and brand reputation strengthened. Stakeholder engagement levels were high and operationalisation was efficient, cost-effective and timely.

    Our team has direct experience in transition planning, having been involved in creating transition plans in several sectors and responding to the Transition Planning Taskforce (TPT) through its various consultations.

    We're a leading adviser to central and local governments as they transition the economy to meet Net-Zero targets.

    We partner with you to create a robust transition plan that will take you on your Pathway to Zero following these four key principles:

    Our approach is underpinned by the TPT framework within the UK and relevant regulations outside the UK. Not just limited to, but with a real focus on action planning and accountability for delivery.

    We'll build on the work you've already completed, considering its depth and scope, spotting gaps and opportunities, to ensure it is robust. This will enable us to accelerate the planning process.

    Co-creation and stakeholder engagement is at the heart of how we will partner with you, so your leaders are ready, willing and able to drive the plans and deliver their net zero ambition.

    We'll create plans that are clear, actionable and pragmatic, and can be tracked throughout their life cycle.