Collaborating with you and your legal representatives to detect and investigate suspected accounting irregularities or fraud in your organisation.

Our team works with you to understand your needs providing technical support throughout an investigation or claim. We recognise the challenges of accounting irregularities and fraud in your organisation, we therefore act as an independent expert witness to provide opinion evidence and oral testimony. We are familiar with all aspects of professional disciplinary and regulatory proceedings, having advised on several matters investigated by the Financial Reporting Council and other regulators.  

Get in touch
Philippa Hill
Partner and Head of Forensic and Investigation Services
Philippa Hill
Partner and Head of Forensic and Investigation Services
Philippa Hill

Why Grant Thornton

When you need suspected accounting problems investigated, we will provide root cause analysis and recommend improvements to internal processes, controls and governance, and assist you in implementing a remediation plan that will help prevent future incidents.

Services include:

  • investigation
  • expert advisory and litigation support
  • independent expert witness
  • insurance claims advisory (professional indemnity claims).

Multi-disciplinary teams with a deep sector and technical expertise

Each case is different, so we build your Grant Thornton team based on your needs. We draw on skills and expertise of our local and global colleagues to include the right specialists for you.

We have sector specialists which have local GAAP expertise in foreign jurisdictions, and practitioners in a variety of technical disciplines, including financial reporting, taxation, actuarial and risk, pensions, valuations, audit, business risk, cyber, culture and governance.

We use leading edge computer forensics, data analytics and eDiscovery tools supported by qualified in-house technical consultants to collect, analyse and present findings in a robust, well-documented manner that is accessible and simple for you and your team to use.