Securing funding, delivering against the terms of your grant, and complying with the systems and procedural requirements to avoid clawback is challenging.

You probably know that the UK government has continued to develop and enhance a funding model for both public and private sector entities based on a complex myriad of opportunities. These largely require both meeting detailed funding criteria and obtaining external assurance that those criteria have actually been met. The post-Brexit landscape has seen funding opportunities grow, but the assurance requirements mean taking advantage of them can be challenging.

Why Grant Thornton

You'll get a high-quality grant assurance from our leading public sector audit team (circa 350 people). You can see that in our proven track record of seamless project delivery and strong client engagement, especially business, energy, and industrial strategy. Several members of our team, including the head of grant assurance have undertaken long-term secondments in government – enhancing their understanding of what's required for large multinational companies to be awarded grants.