Our team of dedicated specialists work with creditors to provide practical insolvency solutions.

Our tailored approach is designed to meet your specific business or personal needs so you can be confident in the decisions you make.

All matters are handled robustly but sensitively to achieve the best outcome in your circumstances.




We offer a no win-no cost bankruptcy petitioning service, monitoring the proceedings from start to finish.


Individual voluntary arrangement

If you're in business and have trade debts and credit, we may be able to assist with arranging an IVA.

Why Grant Thornton

Our technical and operational capabilities, market relationships and sector specialisms allow us to deliver expert personal insolvency solutions.

We give you access to empowered client service teams, hands-on partner involvement and shorter decision-making chains that ensure the agility of a boutique while still having a global network to hand.

We have an on-going commitment to the personal insolvency market, demonstrated by our continued investment in our people and technology.


Bankruptcy can be an important route to recovering money that you're owed. 

We offer creditors a no-cost bankruptcy service, used by many high street lenders and local authorities, monitoring from start to finish so we can notify you of proceedings against your customers and maximise dividend collections where possible.

Once a bankruptcy order is made, our insolvency practitioners will work to ensure that all available assets are realised for the benefit of creditors.

We can also provide advice and training on the use of bankruptcy to institutions that frequently deal with distressed debt.

Bankruptcy services for creditors 

Supporting creditor groups and local authorities with advice and training on the use of bankruptcy as a tool to recover monies owed by individuals.

While offering you technical expertise, high quality advice and guidance, we ensure your insolvent estates are managed in a cost-effective way. Maximising your cash return, we work with you to reduce servicing costs and accelerate and expand dividend returns.

If you need guidance to drive up returns on your bad-debt portfolio, in relation to both company debts and personal bankruptcy, we can support you while also reducing costs.

Individual voluntary arrangement

An individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) enables you to take control of your debt by agreeing a legally-binding settlement with your creditors.

Settlement may be in the form of monthly contributions, usually for five years, a one-off lump sum payment, for example, from a family or friend, or the sale of property or a combination. If an IVA is approved, completion of agreed payments will be considered full and final settlement of their claims, with the remaining balance written off.

An IVA is not the right solution for everyone. It may be right for people with debts over £10,000, if they're in a position to make an offer of monthly contributions or a lump sum to creditors.

There are broadly two types of IVA: 'consumer' and 'business'

A business IVA is for self-employed individuals, sole traders, or partnerships. It may also apply to company directors liable under personal guarantees. It allows you to continue running your business and is only appropriate for entities that are fundamentally good and profitable, but struggling to meet payments on historical debt.

Creditors could be a mixture of trade, HMRC, credit card companies or other lenders. All your debts business and personal debts would be included in it. Monthly contributions can be adjusted to account for seasonal and other fluctuations in income.

A partnership voluntary arrangement (PVA) works the same way as an IVA but is specifically to deal with the debts of a partnership. 

If you're in business and have trade debts as well as loans and credit cards, we may be able to help you take control of your debt by agreeing a legally binding settlement with your creditors.

A consumer IVA is for personal debts. You agree to make regular payments to an insolvency practitioner, who'll divide this money between your creditors.  For individuals struggling with debt, this guidance from R3 – the trade association for UK insolvency and restructuring professionals – outlines the options available.

We no longer take on new consumer IVAs.

You can find information on all options for resolving debts in England and Wales from the Insolvency Service. Free and impartial debt counselling services are available from other organisations, including Money Helper. If you enter into any formal debt solution your name will be added to a public register and may adversely impact your credit rating.

If your IVA originated with us, it's likely that it's now with Debt Movement. Please email clientservices@debtmovementuk.co.uk. If your supervisor was Richard Hicken or Michael Gerrard, please email creditors431@uk.gt.com.

If you've been notified that an IVA previously with another firm is now with us, it's likely that your Supervisor is Amanda Wade or Jackie Stringer. If this is the case please email creditors431@uk.gt.com.