Whether you're looking to expand your market reach, optimise existing operations, or ensure customs compliance, our team of 68,000 professionals in over 140 markets can help you achieve your goals.

With Europe and North America being the top destinations for expansion, and growing interest in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific region, now is an opportune time for expansion.

We know each business and culture is unique, so we provide a tailored service. Our International Business Centres are dedicated to improving your access to target countries and explaining the processes involved. Our interconnected network enables us to effortlessly support global organisations in their daily operations.

International Business Groups

Supporting your growth in the UK-India economic corridor and beyond.

Optimise your trans-Atlantic operations with local knowledge and global reach.

Bridging the commercial and cultural divide and supporting your ambitions across Japan and the UK.

Connecting you to the right local teams in the UK, Africa, and the relevant offshore centres.

Supporting your operations across the China – UK economic corridor.

Why Grant Thornton?

Unlock global opportunities with our local expertise and worldwide reach

With our global community of international business groups, led by experts in cross-border working, we have the resources and expertise to help you succeed in today's dynamic global marketplace. 

We take pride in building strong relationships and fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, quality, and trust.

Our unique approach allows us to work with agility and transparency, collaborating closely with our clients to achieve their goals.

“We are uniquely placed to help companies coming to the UK or expanding overseas because our teams span the globe. New market opportunities in any given region are just a phone call away. Joining our network means having access to experts and ideas all over the world.”
Robert Hannah Partner