International expansion requires local insight and global connections. Our network is your network. We'll collaborate with you to shape your future, globally.

India's predicted growth to become the third largest economy by 2028 offers opportunities, despite complex regulations and infrastructure challenges. The UK is appealing for Indian investment because of linguistic and political ties, access to Europe, and a diaspora embedded in local culture.

Our team has over 30 years' experience offering diverse perspectives, practical advice and ideas for investing in the UK, expanding as part of the diaspora, or exploring opportunities in India.

  • Network of intermediaries
  • Leading international adviser
  • Extensive local understanding
  • Network of intermediaries
    icon depicting an organization chart
    Gain extensive connections with investors, bankers, and legal advisers in the UK and South Asia.
  • Leading international adviser
    purple icon depicting a leadership chart
    You'll have access to over three decades of experience working with businesses across the UK-India economic corridor.
  • Extensive local understanding
     purple icon showing a map with a magnified
    We'll work together with you to provide insight into local business, regulatory requirements, and social etiquette.

South Asia business group

Global Indian programme

Providing customised support for Global Indians with cross-border investment, expansion and mobility.

Anuj Chande OBE
Partner, Head of South Asia Group
Anuj Chande OBE

Why Grant Thornton?

We take business personally. Whether you're part of the established diaspora looking to optimise your existing operations or an individual wanting to globalise your investments beyond India, we’ll take the time to understand your goals and help you get there.

We've covered more than 400 transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, and have delivered USD $4 billion in value. The largest of these deals was Tata Motors’ acquisition of Jaguar Land Rover. With our guidance, clients have raised £866 million in the London Stock Market. This experience gives us the expertise to share practical, personalised guidance for your business needs.

Globalise your personal investments

As your partner, we also provide a seamless experience to increase the mobility of your personal investments and family offices across the UK, Europe, Dubai, Singapore, and India. If you need support on structuring your investment or compliance to local laws and regulations, we’ll give you the full picture. And share practical steps, so you know what to do next.