Any project or programme, regardless of its scope, doesn’t happen in isolation. It has wider implications and brings change to the organisation around it, planned or otherwise.

The well-established ‘three lines of defence’ assurance model has evolved, and now reflects the more coherent, collaborative approach to assurance that's common in progressive organisations. To maximise benefit from this change and manage risk effectively you should be supported by high-value and insightful assurance outcomes.

Why Grant Thornton

You'll get independent, credible, expert-led challenge, and perspective for stakeholders, decision makers, and project and programme teams – adding value and giving confidence in successful outcomes.

We also understand that recognising and adapting to current delivery models is critical to providing assurance that lands well. We tailor each engagement to ensure it’s proportionate to the service phase and scale and aligned to your governance principles. We build open and transparent relationships with you based on mutual trust – ensuring our observations and recommendations are available to everyone.

Our engagement teams are typically led by subject matter experts, who bring their pragmatic, real-life experience to add insight and value. We provide support to senior management and stakeholders, either through assurance at key decision points or around defined issues, themes or risks, at any point in the lifecycle. This approach improves programme governance and performance, builds certainty and confidence, and strengthens business resilience. You’ll also get guidance on lessons to be learnt for future activities and areas to develop.