Expand your finance team with on-demand resource and access to financial reporting experts. Our FAAS team are there when you need them.

The demands placed on your finance team are increasing. Stakeholders expect more insight, on time-management information, transparency of disclosure and exemplary financial reporting. At the same time, technology is changing the skills your team need, and you may be finding it difficult to find high-quality finance talent and financial reporting expertise.

Our financial accounting advisory services (FAAS) team can help you deliver on business-critical projects.

Rosamond Murphy
UK Head of Financial Accounting Advisory Services
Rosamond Murphy

Why Grant Thornton

Our FAAS team collaborates with large corporates, medium-sized businesses and not-for-profit organisations, working with your finance team to deliver the outcomes needed for your business.

Whether you're growing rapidly or undertaking a specific business event, such as entering new contracts, acquiring, integrating, restructuring, planning for an IPO, your management accounts or annual report need more attention, or you're having an unexpected technical issue raised by statutory auditors, we can help.

Our FAAS service is split into five elements:

The pressure on finance operations is growing. Finance teams must balance cost, efficiency, skills, technology, and reporting, as well as meeting more strategic demands.

Our BPO team alleviates these burdens, leaving you free to concentrate on your business. We’ll give you tailored outsourcing solutions you can count on right away. We’ll also continually review your needs to support your success, driving cost efficiencies, leveraging new technology and fostering sustainable long-term growth.

Find out more here

We offer a placement service where our professionals embed themselves in your business, become trusted team members, and provide you with additional skills and expertise.

We collaborate with you to understand your challenges and work together with your finance team to develop a clear project plan and effective solution.  We mobilise fast to bring an individual or team to support you.

We focus on your broader business objectives, not just individual tasks. We'll provide a fresh pair of eyes, suggesting improvements and bringing new skills and insight to your finance function.

  • Supplementing and upskilling your finance team during significant change, such as acquisition, disposal, high growth or preparing for an initial public offering
  • Reconstructing management accounts and resolving compliance issues
  • Prepare for year-end audit and supporting you deal with your external auditor
  • Prepare statutory financial statements and consolidated group accounts
  • Executing actions relating to accounting or control issues

We have a broad understanding of both best practice and how financial reporting can go wrong. These practical insights, combined with a broad and deep technical knowledge of IFRS, UK GAAP and US GAAP, and capital markets insight, means that we can provide you access to experts to help you balance demands and challenges within your team.

  • Impact assessments and implementation of new accounting standards
  • GAAP conversion work, principally IFRS, UK GAAP and US GAAP
  • Preparation of Historical Financial Information (HFI) in respect of IPOs
  • Accounting in respect of restructuring, group simplifications and acquisitions
  • Distributable reserves reviews
  • Preparation of accounting policy manuals and policy reviews
  • Technical accounting papers, for example, revenue recognition, share-based payments, business combinations and financing arrangements

Are you required to meet the needs of a third party over your data submission? We can provide a report of factual findings or level of assurance over financial and non-financial data tailored to the needs of your business and third-party requirements.

  • Agreed-upon procedures where there is a need for a bespoke report on factual findings within a specific area of financial or non-financial data
  • Accountants reporting on grant-funded projects
  • Agreed-upon procedures for turnover certification, loan-covenant compliance, and internal processes and controls
  • Assurance over non-financial data submissions made to UK and EU regulatory bodies

We offer assurance or consultancy on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data.

Managing ESG risks and exploiting opportunities requires you to understand and measure the global impact of your activities and dependencies.

You also need to manage, use, and report on sustainability information.

Sustainability information is different to financial data – it's inherently more challenging to measure and interpret, or even know what to measure.

Shareholders and other stakeholders are becoming progressively more interested in the ESG agenda and how businesses are mitigating the associated risks. So, you need to understand how to bring this agenda into your business.

This is how we can help you achieve your goals:

  • Assist in setting up the process to collate the data for accurate and timely reporting
  • Ensure compliance with the legal and regulatory frameworks
  • Map out the emissions and energy use and advise on efficiency gains
  • Give assurance over reported ESG metrics

How Financial Accounting Advisory Services can help you and your finance team.

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Helping a PE-backed finance team get back to BAU

Find out more
The Challenge
Following a number of bolt-on acquisitions to a portfolio company within UK hospitality, a private equity (PE) house identified the need for support in managing a number of priorities requiring urgent attention.
The Solution
We mobilised a coordinated team of individuals on a placement basis to work alongside the existing finance function. We matched the technical and soft skills required to execute a tactical integration project of this nature.
The Result
We successfully accelerate the remediation project timeline by six months and helped the business get back to business as usual (BAU).
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Statutory-audit support for digital assets trader

Find out more
The challenge
With one month to go until their year-end, the £420 million-turnover business urgently needed support to complete their previous year's statutory audit.
The solution
A team of six rapidly scoped the core issues to generate quality reconciliations needed for the imminent audit.​
The result
The improved reconciliation procedures reduced the month-end process from 20 days to six days.
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Updating financial reporting for growing renewable energy...

Find out more
The challenge
Acquired by an investment bank, the client was facing their first UK statutory audit, and needed to update their financial reporting to meet the new owner's specifications.
The solution
Planning centred on understanding the client’s priorities, and knowledge and resource gaps. Delivery was defined by monthly goals for incrementally improving management accounts.
The result
A robust and repeatable balance sheet reporting process impressed the investment bank. The client’s team were also trained in new concepts and standards to take forward.
    We’re a very high growth Group in a complex industry and we needed a professional services partner to support us during the rapid build-out of our finance team. Grant Thornton quickly assembled a team of six, led by a highly-engaging and dedicated project manager. The Grant Thornton team supported us across the finance spectrum from core accounting and process documentation through to technical accounting, audit preparation and management. Throughout the project they were both agile and hands-on, whilst able to adjust to changing tactical priorities. We would definitely engage them again.
    Jonathan Hugh CFO, GSR International Limited
    The Grant Thornton FAAS team provided additional support to our finance team when resources were stretched. They understood the requirement and time pressures perfectly and provided an experienced and knowledgeable member of the team who worked closely with relevant members of our group to deliver a success project in the given time frame.
    Gemma Mortimer David Brown Group Limited
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    Helping new, limited finance team with business-as-usual

    Find out more
    The challenge
    A finance team was struggling with its complex, international structure and demanding regulatory needs. They required a hands-on financial adviser to support business-as-usual.
    The solution
    The resolution relied on a strong relationship based on trust. With several projects requiring completion, we supplied a cost-effective interim, removing the need to outsource.
    The result
    Our resource helped deliver business-as-usual financial reporting and business priorities. We also helped simplify the group’s structure taking in accounting and tax impacts.
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    Guiding a global manufacturer through audit challenges

    The challenge
    Hundreds of audit queries were being sent to the company’s finance team every day and, following a number of corporate changes, staffing issues were adding to the challenge.
    The solution
    We seconded eight ex-auditors to their finance team. Appreciating the challenges from both auditor and client perspectives helped us to understand and resolve the issues quickly.
    The result
    We ensured auditable supporting documentation was made available swiftly for the auditors’ review, and the accounts were completed and signed off successfully within the deadline.
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    Achieving Audit Readiness and Improving Reporting Timelines

    Read Case Study
    The challenge
    A client was facing their first UK statutory audit and needed to update their financial reporting to meet a new owner's specifications.
    The solution
    Planning was centred on understanding the client's priorities, knowledge and resource gaps. Delivery was defined by incrementally improving management accounts.
    The result
    A robust and repeatable balance sheet reporting process and a team trained in new concepts and standards.