Ensuring ESG is embedded into decision-making through governance frameworks, leadership, and culture can be a challenging transformation, but is a priority for an effective sustainability strategy.

We help you integrate ESG strategy and approach into your governance frameworks to build confidence, instil trust and ensure an in-depth understanding that flows from the board throughout the organisation. Critical components of sustainable business practice include decision-making frameworks, control and risk practices, culture, board leadership, remuneration structures and stakeholder impact. Your disclosures provide a window onto your leadership and awareness of ESG risks and opportunities.

Why Grant Thornton

We go beyond the mandatory requirements to support you develop ESG frameworks that enhance your organisation’s prominence in the market. Each of the three elements of ESG are huge subjects in their own right, and need to be approached with a sense of purpose and value beyond reporting. Improving practices and heightening awareness demonstrates how serious you are about ESG. We are adopting internal best practice across all aspects of E, S and G and we can help you do the same.

  • How authentic is your approach to ESG?
  • Is ESG aligned to your purpose?
  • Are you clear on the strategic opportunities and risks of ESG? 
  • How will you measure ESG impact?
  • Are your remuneration structures aligned to ESG objectives? 
  • Can you increase ESG awareness and skills?
  • What could you be developing now that would deliver the right results in the future?
  • How does your governance framework compare to best practice and regulatory requirements, is there more can you do to drive value? 
  • Is the board aligned and clear on the opportunities, risks and potential skills required? What could be better? 
  • What changes are needed to embed your ESG strategy into your leadership activities and your culture? 
  • What changes do you need to make to your governance policies and practices? 
  • How can you better use NEDs to support the development of a social conscience? 

ESG: themes and insights

Our experts provide a summary of key themes facing the market and answer frequently asked questions.


ESG and access to capital: the mid-market needs to stay alert

How is ESG influencing mid-market lending in 2024? Find out with the results of our annual survey of UK-based lenders.